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Demande d'entreposage de véhicules récréatifs à Comox

Les locations ne sont pas disponibles pour les vétérans ou les entrepreneurs.

Une fois que vous aurez soumis votre demande, une réponse automatique vous sera envoyée par courrier électronique ; veuillez vérifier votre dossier de courrier indésirable/spam.

Si vous avez des questions ou si vous ne recevez pas d'e-mail de confirmation, contactez-nous par e-mail ou appelez le (250) 339-8211, poste 252-8315.

*indicates a mandatory field to complete. 

10 digit number that starts with 100
Affiliation with the CAF Community. Rentals are not available to Veterans or contractors
no @forces @cfmws etc. addresses please
no PO Boxes please, this is used to establish priority sequencing
e.g. "k1k 1k1"
please use this area if your request is to store something other than what is listed above. Items must be insured and able to be independently secured, by locking mechanism or otherwise.
length indicated must include any tongue/protrusion. We are unable to accomodate any requests over 28 feet at this time as we have a long waitlist for these items and few spaces. You may still be added to the waitlist, however we recommend looking into other options.
$25/mo +GST; 12 month terms receive 25% discount